Welcome to the Anglicare team

You have joined an organisation with a long and special history in this state. I hope that as you learn more about our values and the way we operate, you feel inspired about how you can be part of serving our local community.

Each member of our team brings insights and skills that can help to improve people’s lives.

At Anglicare, we are committed to acting with honesty and integrity, and behaving in a professional and ethical way. We are innovative and responsive, continually seeking to improve what we do and how we do it. We cooperate, respect, encourage and assist each other. We use resources wisely and prepare for the future. And we make clear, courageous decisions, guided by our values.

I wish you well as you settle in, and trust you will continue to grow and develop in your role with Anglicare.

Chris Jones
CEO Anglicare Tasmania

Welcome to your online employee induction

  • Our principles guide the way we approach our work in a consistent and person focussed way

    Our approach to supporting people follows 7 practice principles:

    • We recognise people live within a social and political context where inequality exists, and therefore we work with people to advocate for social change.
    • We are a learning culture that works in ways that encourages and creates opportunities for curiosity and innovation. We work in ways that recognise all people and situations are unique, and therefore our approach must be unique.
    • We understand that to discover, people may need to take risks, and have opportunities for these to be taken. We will resist limiting actions or interventions that prevent this.
    • We believe each person is the expert and change agent in their lives. We work in ways to support people to act on this expertise and lead and direct the process.
    • We intentionally support people to live, love, work and play in their own community and not within our service.
    • We will not abandon someone because of the complexity of the issues faced, and that an inability to provide useful support is a problem of the agency not the individual.


    Our approach to supporting each other in the workplace follows 6 principles:

    • We have belief and trust in our people. We will encourage positive actions, ideas and fashion a workplace that is unique in compassion and mutual respect. We value diversity and work to embrace difference and listen to and engage with the changing needs of our workplace.
    • We seek to discover and support the best in each other. We are avid learners pursuing knowledge and wise practice.
    • We value the individual capacity of each other and work for mutual opportunities of growth and development.
    • We work to support each other, to be and give our best and will acknowledge and celebrate achievements.
    • We aim to share knowledge by maximising the benefits of difference and drawing on the skills and potential of the widest possible range of our colleagues.
    • We support each other through times of complex change.
  • About Anglicare

    Our work began with the creation of a committee by the Anglican church in Tasmania.

    The committee’s role was to develop a coordinated response to new social issues. This led to the establishment of the Anglican Family Care Service, which later changed its name to Anglicare Tasmania.

    The first service opened in 1983 to assist people struggling with debt and low income. This financial counselling service in Hobart was the first of its kind in Tasmania, and soon extended to Launceston, Devonport and Burnie.

    Anglicare also founded services for young people, especially those at risk of homelessness. In 1984 the Youthcare Crisis Shelter opened in southern Tasmania and youth outreach services began in Devonport in 1987.

    Anglicare is now the largest statewide community services organisation in Tasmania – with offices in Hobart, Burnie, Devonport, Launceston, Glenorchy, Sorell, St Helens and Zeehan.

  • Our board

    Anglicare Tasmania Inc is an association incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act. In terms of its Rules of Association, the activities of Anglicare are controlled by the Board-the governing body.

    This Board has 9 members:

    • 3 elected by members of the association
    • 2 appointed by Diocesan Council
    • 2 elected by Synod
    • 2 appointed by the Bishop – one of whom shall be the chairperson


    The Board seeks to use current governance processes and has adopted Governance, Chief Executive Officer Limitations and Strategic Ends policies. The Bishop, on the recommendation of the Board, appoints Anglicare’s Chief Executive Officer.

    The Board also has a Finance Risk and Audit Committee that meets quarterly. It reviews the financial reports and make recommendations to the whole Board.

  • Our executive team

    Our Executive Management Team, often referred to as the EMT, consists of:

    • Noel Mundy (General Manager – Housing and Community Services)
    • Ellen Nicholson (General Manager – Home Care Services)
    • Liz Leslie (General Manager – Acquired Injury Support Services)
    • Anthony Denman (Chief Financial Officer)


    The members of the Executive Management Team support the Chief Executive Officer to lead, direct, coordinate and control the operations and performance of Anglicare.

Services we provide

Tasmania’s population is spread across the State in many rural and urban locations. In order to provide Tasmanians with equal access to its services, Anglicare Tasmania engages with the Tasmanian community through our offices in Hobart, Glenorchy, Sorell, Launceston, Devonport, Burnie, St Helens and Zeehan. Our services include:

  • Community Services

    Community Services delivers a range of high-quality services and require continued commitment from all practitioners to maintain excellence.

    These services are delivered through four broad domains of practice:


    Underlying all of the domains of practice is the principle of partnering with our clients. In this approach clients are the key players and have an active voice in shaping services that will support them. While practitioners are the early support system, it’s important that they help clients build their own support systems and make their own decisions, encouraging the client to reach more effective and sustainable outcomes that will support them.

    Practitioners working in domains are supported to deliver safe and high quality practice though a structure which is framed by:

    • Knowledge: theories which underpin the domain of practice.
    • Models and interventions: evidence-based/informed models, programs & interventions.
    • Tools and resources: evidence-based/informed tools & resources.
    • Competencies: training in core competencies & skills.


    Families, children and young people

    Community Services delivers a comprehensive range of programs to support families. These include:

    • Parenting courses;
    • Counselling;
    • Home-based school readiness programs; and
    • Child and youth mental health services.


    Financial resilience and wellbeing

    Financial counsellors working in the domain support people through:

    • Negotiating with creditors;
    • Money management and budgeting;
    • Explaining their rights and responsibilities as consumers; and
    • Providing advice about consumer credit law, debt enforcement practices, bankruptcy, industry hardship policies ad government concessions.


    Health and wellbeing: Addictions

    Community Services practitioners deliver a comprehensive range of services to support people whose lives are affected by alcohol and other drugs. These programs support their family or carers, too.

    Community service Practitioners working in this domain may also work in our Gamblers Help program which offers counselling to people whose lives are affected by gambling.


    Health and wellbeing: Mental Health

    Practitioners working in this domain provide a range of services including:

    • Support for people who have attempted suicide, self-harm or have suicide ideation;
    • Support for people to develop or relearn skills, confidence and motivation to pursue and achieve goals across all areas of life and reduce social inclusion; and
    • Residential rehabilitation and recovery services for people recovering from a mental illness.
  • Acquired Injury Support Services

    Anglicare Acquired Injury Support Services provides attendant and residential care to people with Acquired Injuries.

  • Home Care Services

    Anglicare’s Home Care program provides a range of services to assist older people to stay living independently in their own home. Services include cleaning, personal care, shopping, in-home respite, home nursing and palliative care.

    Anglicare supports clients transition through to higher levels of support as their care needs change including care management services.

    Staff work within a quality and wellness framework and partner with clients around their individual goals and preferences.

    Our services recognise and support the important role that family carers play in caring for an older person.  Home Care also provide services for people living with a chronic or mental illness, with a palliative illness or disability and who are not eligible for NDIS funding.

  • Housing Connect & Supported Residential Services

    Everyone needs a roof over their head and a place to call home. Anglicare has a range of services to help people find and maintain suitable housing.

    Housing Connect provides support for those needing assistance with housing – get help with crisis accommodation, bond and rent for private rentals and apply for public or community housing. As well as information, advice and referral to many other services, Housing Connect can provide ongoing support to people to establish or maintain long term housing. Housing Connect can also provide support to people who are already in housing but are struggling to maintain their tenancy due to housing affordability and the general cost of living.

    Housing Connect is the one-stop shop for all housing and support needs. One assessment for everything from emergency accommodation to a long-term home. Housing Connect can help people with:

    • applying for social housing
    • support and advice with private rental, including bond and rent arrears
    • finding a bed for the night
    • support and advice on how to stay in their home
    • assistance following family violence
    • information and advice on housing options



    Anglicare’s Supported Residential Services provide safe, affordable long term communal housing for singles and couples on low incomes.

    Our Supported Residential Facilities offer long term communal housing for people and with full board set at 80% of their income, excluding Commonwealth Rent Assistance. Rent includes three meals a day, power, a weekly linen service for sheets and towels along with some recreational activities. People have their own room and there’s a communal lounge, dining room and laundry.

    Supported Accommodation Facilities provide accommodation in fully independent units each with a kitchen and bathroom. The properties also offer communal kitchens, lounges and nice outdoor spaces. Community Housing Limited are the tenancy managers and charge 25% of people’s income (including Commonwealth Rent Assistance) in rent.

    For people who are living with mental illness, our Residential Rehabilitation and Recovery properties offer supportive accommodation and medium term residential support in the North and North West of the state.

  • Social Action Research Centre (SARC)

    Anglicare’s Social Action and Research Centre (SARC) is committed to a just Tasmania.

    A just Tasmania is a state free of poverty and disadvantage where we all have a decent standard of living. It means people should be able to freely access the information and resources they need.

    This requires social change.  For the past 20 years Anglicare has undertaken research, policy development and advocacy towards achieving a just Tasmania. We have successfully influenced government and decision-makers to create new services, review and reform existing policy, and improve programs to help Tasmania’s most disadvantaged. SARC receives no external funding and is wholly independent.

Information you need to know

Policies act as a guiding frame of reference for how the organisation deals with everything from its day- to-day operational problems or how to respond to requirements to comply with legislation, regulation and codes of practice. It is important that policies are reasonable, that employees are aware and clearly understand what the policy is trying to achieve. Key platform documents that you need to familiarise yourself with are:

  • Code of conduct

    As an employee of Anglicare we expect you to work within our code of conduct.

    This Code provides reasonable expectations on how employees, volunteers and hosted students are to conduct themselves in their interpersonal interactions with fellow employees, stakeholders and service users, including children and young people, while behaving in such a way that upholds Anglicare’s values.

    Anglicare is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all who access our service, including children and young people. We support the rights and wellbeing of all Anglicare employees, volunteers and hosted students; encouraging their active participation in building and maintaining a safe environment for all people who access our services.

    Anglicare supports the rights of children and young people and will act without hesitation to ensure a child-safe environment is maintained at all times.

    Click here to read Anglicare’s Code of Conduct.

  • Conflict of interest

    A conflict of interest is a situation that has the potential to undermine the impartiality of a person because of the possibility of a clash between the person’s self-interest and professional interest or public interest.

    Managing conflicts of interest properly brings a range of benefits to employees and Anglicare, including:

    • Fosters a workplace culture that encourages and supports the identification and declaration of conflicts of interest and works to dispel the misconception that a conflict of interest is wrong in itself and should therefore be kept quiet or hidden
    • Opportunities for improper conduct are reduced
    • Effective policies and procedures for identifying, disclosing and managing conflicts of interest mean that accusations of bias can be managed
    • The organisation can demonstrate its commitment to good governance by addressing an issue that is commonly associated with misconduct
    • Avoids any activity or interest that might reflect unfavourably upon a staff member’s own integrity and good name, or upon the integrity and good name of Anglicare

    In your employment you may have a perceived or actual conflict of interest and we want to support you in managing these.


    Click here for managing conflict of interest and disclosure requirements.

    Click here to download a Declaration of Conflict of Interest form.

  • Discrimination, harassment and bullying

    It is important to us that everyone at Anglicare Tasmania has a safe and healthy place to work.

    Anglicare has a zero tolerance to discrimination, harassment and bullying and has an expectation that all employees are aware of appropriate behavioural standards and who to go to or what to do if they need help.


    Click here to read Anglicare’s Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Policy.

    Click here to read Anglicare’s policy on raising concerns and resolving grievances.

  • Motor vehicles

    You may be providing services outside of offices or needing to attend training or meetings.

    Anglicare has a fleet of vehicles supplied to ensure that staff have access to safe travel arrangements during approved work duties. You can read more about our fleet vehicle and other policies related to transport here.

    Click here for more information about Anglicare’s motor vehicles.


    Don’t forget you will need to book the vehicle and keep it clean during your use.

    If you are required to use your own vehicle in the performance of your duties (including travel between clients) you may be entitled to a reimbursement / allowance.

    If you are authorised to use your own vehicle a personal vehicle log form (electronic or phone version) must be completed and submitted to payroll in a timely manner.

    If travel relates to the transportation of an Anglicare client then the Client Transport Log form (electronic or phone version) should be completed and submitted to payroll in a timely manner.

    Ask your supervisor if you are not sure what vehicle to use.

    Click here to find out how to submit an employee reimbursement.

  • Responding to family violence

    Anglicare is committed to a workplace culture that embraces gender equality, promotes respectful relationships and has a zero tolerance approach to all violence, including violence against women in the workplace and the wider community.

    Anglicare has a responsibility to provide a safe work environment that is gender equitable and free of unacceptable behaviour, discrimination, victimisation, and violence. Staff have the right to work and live without the threat of, or actual, physical, psychological or emotional violence.

    Where a staff member reports that they have experienced violence in the home, Anglicare will provide appropriate supports to enable them to put safety measures in place. In providing supports to staff affected by family violence, Anglicare acknowledges that Australian women;

    • are nearly three times more likely than men to experience violence from an intimate partner; and
    • are four times more likely than men to be hospitalised after being assaulted by their spouse or partner.

    To support staff affected by family violence all employees are required to read and comply with the following documentation as part of their employment.

    Click here to read Anglicare’s policy on family violence.

  • Safeguarding and working with vulnerable people

    Anglicare is committed to a workplace culture that embraces equality, promotes respectful relationships and has a zero tolerance approach to all violence, abuse and neglect. Anglicare acknowledges that all people have the right to feel safe and to be treated with dignity that includes a right to be free from violence and abuse.

    In providing supports, Anglicare recognises that there is an increased risk of harm for some service users including one or more of the following:

    • age-related risk (including children, young people and older people)
    • people with disabilities
    • risk related to gender and/or sexuality
    • risk for people with cognitive disability and/or mental health issues
    • risk related to people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) and indigenous backgrounds
    • support needs of people who use augmented and complex communication
    • people who require support with management of finances
    • people with a high dependency on services and lack other social supports


    Anglicare is committed to establishing and maintaining organisational safeguards to ensure that employees’ screening, recruitment, selection and ongoing professional development processes promote a rights-based and client-centred culture.

    To support the safeguarding of vulnerable people working with Anglicare all employees are required to read and comply with the following documentation as part of their employment:


    Anglicare have an on-line program for employees to complete regarding safeguarding children. HR will have sent your supervisor a link for you to access this training, it is important you complete this before commencing support arrangements.

  • Social media

    Anglicare’s Social Media policy outlines guidance on how employees, volunteers and students should conduct themselves in their use of social media for any online activity (including personal). It is important that everyone uses common sense in all communications, particularly on any websites/forums accessible to anyone.

    If you choose to mention any matters pertaining to Anglicare Tasmania, its past or present employees, students, volunteers, clients, funding bodies and other organisations that may have links and ties to Anglicare Tasmania, you have the ability to affect the reputation of Anglicare Tasmania.

    Because of this, it is essential you uphold your obligations as an employee/volunteer/student and the expectations of Anglicare Tasmania whilst posting online.

    Click here to read Anglicare’s policy on social media.

  • Support boundaries and conduct

    In your work you will need to be mindful of boundaries.

    The community have an expectation that the therapeutic or supportive context is a safe one at all times for clients who use our services. Safety, trust and ethical behaviour underpin the professional/support relationship in meeting the primary interest of the client. Workers have a responsibility to behave ethically at all times and to maintain professional boundaries with clients, their immediate family and significant others.

    Anglicare has established policies and processes in place in relation to professional supervision, harm prevention, code of conduct, receipt of gifts and a commitment to ongoing professional development which aim to provide guidance and a supportive environment to maintain awareness about the nature of the professional relationship between support worker and client.


    Click here to read Anglicare’s support boundaries and conduct guidelines.

Workplace health and safety

Anglicare Tasmanian is firmly committed to enabling all work activities to be carried out safely, and with all possible measures taken to remove (or at least reduce) risks to the health, safety and welfare of employees, clients, contractors, authorised visitors, and anyone else who may be affected by our work.

We are committed to ensuring we comply with the Work Health and Safety Act 2012, the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 and applicable Codes of Practice and Australian Standards.

The policy for Work Health and Safety can be found here: Work, Health & Safety.

  • Incident response

    Anglicare recognises incidents as events that provide unexpected, unplanned and unintended outcomes for the clients, employees and the organisation. For Anglicare an incident may present as:

    • client incidents;
    • employee work health and safety incidents and hazards;
    • client or stakeholder complaints and compliments; and
    • unplanned disruptions to service delivery; Incidents involving are to be reported immediately to the employee’s Manager and recorded on the Anglicare Incident Reporting system (AIR)

    Anglicare is required under legislation, funding and organisational standards to report specific incidents, therefore all incidents involving employees, clients, contractors, authorised visitors, and anyone else who may be affected by our work are to be reported immediately to the employee’s Manager and recorded on the Anglicare Incident Reporting system (AIR).

    The Incident Management documented information provides clear direction for the response to incidents and includes the AIR user guide and Frequently Asked Questions section.

  • Hazard response

    Where a hazard does not result in injury; employees will notify their Manager and record the Hazard in the Anglicare Incident Reporting system (AIR).

    Here is a link to the Anglicare Incident Reporting (AIR) – User Guide which also contains a Frequently Asked Questions section.

  • WHS committee

    The Work Health and Safety Committee consists of representatives from across all Anglicare and acts to:

    • ensure that adequate and appropriate health and safety processes and controls are in place across the organisation,
    • provide a consultative forum that can effectively address health and safety matters and risks arising in the workplace,
    • identify and communicate significant risks arising from incidents and hazard reports to Senior Management
    • identify areas for continuous improvement in relation to health and safety,
    • enable the development and implementation of best practice health and safety practices, and
    • protect the health and safety of clients, employees, volunteers, contractors  and all others to whom Anglicare owes a duty of care


    Click here for terms of reference.

  • Emergency evacuation

    All sites including offices and Residential sites have Fire and Evacuation plans in place. When working at these sites you need to familiarise yourself with the Emergency evacuation procedure including the Emergency Assembly point for the site.

    Click here for Anglicare’s fire safety polity and procedures.

  • Smoke free worksites

    To help combat the harmful effects of cigarette smoke and to protect our workers, Anglicare aims to be a totally smoke-free workplace.  Workers, contractors, clients or visitors should not be exposed to the hazards of tobacco smoke.

    Click here for Anglicare’s policy on smoke free worksites.

  • COVID-19

    Anglicare Tasmania follow public health advice relating to the Covid -19 pandemic. Covid -19 has changed the way we work and go about our daily lives. The Anglicare team are helpers and there are vulnerable people that depend on our services.

    Anglicare’s response to Covid -19 including our organisational Safety Plan as well as frequently asked questions can be found in the links below:

    Click here for Anglicare’s COVID-19 response.

    Click here to read frequently asked questions about COVID-19.

  • Work health and safety

    All organisational Work Health and safety information can be found here:

    Click here to read all of Anglicare’s WHS policies.

Supporting you

Anglicare recognises that the most valuable assets to the organisation are the staff that work with us. As such we provide support to employees across a variety of issues as outlined below. Your supervisor will be able to assist you to utilise these further if needed.

  • Anti-discrimination contact officers

    If you feel you are being discriminated against, Anglicare has Anti-discrimination Contact Officers (ADCO) who are specially trained to provide support and information to staff who feel they have experienced discrimination, harassment or bullying, or, who think a complaint may have been made against them.

    ACDO’s are independent, neutral support people who are there to listen and guide you through our internal process.


    List of ACDO’s:

  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

    Like Anglicare’s commitment to providing an environment where people are physically safe, we are also committed to providing a workplace that supports wellbeing – a workplace that values its people and assists staff to make meaningful and valuable contributions to the organisation.

    We recognise that even though we have stringent practices in place to support wellbeing in the workplace, there are times when things don’t happen the way we need them to.

    Anglicare provide support through their EAP external provider to assist staff to overcome challenges that may be impacting on their work performance or for personal reasons.

    They provide various services that can assist people which are completely separate, anonymous and outside of the existing line management support structure.

    More information can be found here:

  • Employee Consultative Committee (ECC)

    Anglicare is committed to the engagement and representation of staff at every level of the organisation. Our Employee Consultative Committees have been developed to ensure that staff are involved in decision-making, policy formation and organisational growth and development. The committee is comprised of a variety of members with the make up comprised of representation from all regional areas and across all areas of work in the organisation including shift work.


  • Enterprise Bargaining Agreement

    Anglicare staff derive their general condition of employment in accordance with a Federal registered Enterprise Agreement. The Agreement is made under the sections of the Fair Work Act 2009 that deals with Awards and Agreement. Our current Agreement titled Anglicare Tasmanian Inc. Collective Agreement 2014 and was registered in December 2014 and expires on 31 March 2018.

    The Agreement cover all aspects of your conditions of employment and should be read in conjunction with other Anglicare’ policies and procedures. If you have any questions or concerns in relation to your conditions of employment, you should firstly ask your immediate supervisor or manager.

    Click here to read the Anglicare Tasmania Inc. Collective Agreement 2018.

  • Finding documented information (Policy and Procedures) to assist your work

    Anglicare’s knowledge and information system is known as Confluence. As part of the organisation’s Quality Management System it provides a central point to maintain and control Anglicare’s documented information. When we talk about documented information we are talking about documents that provide employees guidance and direction on how to perform their tasks and maintain records. Documented information is commonly referred to as Policy, Procedures, Guidelines or Records.

    Click here to visit Confluence.

    If you need support using Confluence, you can find more information here.

  • Quality and Risk Information

    Anglicare aims to deliver exceptional support services to Tasmanians. The services we deliver are of the highest standard and our commitment to quality and continuous improvement is an ongoing process. Anglicare is an ISO 9001 quality certified organisation and operates its services to comply with the following national standards:

    • Aged Care Standard;
    • Australian Community Industry Standard (2018)
    • National Disability Insurance Scheme Practice Standards

    Anglicare also maintains compliance with the Quality and Safety Framework for Tasmania’s DHHS Funded Community Sector and certification against the Safeguarding Children Program. The organisation’s quality and standard compliance includes compliance to appropriate and relevant legislative and legal requirements.

    Anglicare has a commitment to being a progressive leader in service provision to all Tasmanians. To achieve this, we regularly review our processes and systems to ensure they support excellent service delivery with an ongoing focus on continuous improvement. You can read about some of the ways we ensure high standards here:

    Click here to read Anglicare’s Quality & Risk Management process.

  • Information, Communications & Technology (ICT)

    Anglicare’s ICT and Business Systems team offer a range of information, communication and technology services to support you in your work.  To ensure our IT is used and maintained in line with our values and principles, all employees must abide by our suite of Acceptable Use Policies that have been developed to guide staff in their usage of Anglicare technology.

    All requests for ICT support must be submitted via the Business Support Centre (BSC) which provides a helpdesk service that operates between 8:30am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). All requests are then prioritised, tracked, and updated.  Support for critical or emergency ICT issues is provided outside these hours via an emergency SMS service.

    For more information about Anglicare ICT and business system support including FAQs and user guides, please visit https://confluence.anglicare-tas.org.au/display/EPO/ICT+and+Business+Systems+Support.

  • Jerrim Fellowship

    The Jerrim Fellowship is a professional development opportunity that can be used to visit projects or services, attend a conference, do an internship or complete a short course of training. These activities can be undertaken in Australia or overseas.

    The Fellowship gives Anglicare employees the chance to learn about innovative practices and to bring this knowledge back to Tasmania.

    There are no specific qualifications required for a Jerrim Fellowship, however you do need to be a permanent Anglicare employee with at least 12 months of being with the organisation.

    The Fellowship is awarded each year. An employee may only receive the Fellowship once.

    Click here to read about the Jerrim Fellowship.

  • Professional Development and Training

    Anglicare recognises that training and development of employee is crucial in the delivery of quality services and that this responsibility lies with employees and the organisation. In response to this, development and learning is strategically focussed.

    Training and development needs will be prioritised with employees requests being assessed in consultation with Managers and senior employees.

    At Anglicare Tasmania, we are committed to providing a culture of ongoing learning and professional development. We recognise that professional development is crucial in the delivery of quality services.

    To meet this commitment, the aim of employee training and development is:

    • To develop, maintain or enhance particular knowledge and skills
    • To increase the organisation’s knowledge base
    • To remedy skill gaps
    • To achieve best practice
    • To enhance succession planning throughout the organisation

    Read more about Anglicare’s training and development process.


    Anglicare Training and Learning Approval System (ATLAS)

    The Anglicare Training and Learning Approval System (ATLAS) supports staff to submit applications for Professional Development and Training activities via the online learning approval system. Find more information at this link – ATLAS

  • Special Leave Provisions

    Anglicare is committed to supporting all employees within the workplace. To recognise this Anglicare’s Collective Agreement has additional leave to assist and support staff in special circumstances, including;

    • Family Violence Leave
    • Grandparenting Leave

    This special leave does not affect normal annual or personal leave accruals and you should refer to the Agreement provisions should you need to access special leave provisions. The Human Resources team are also available should you need to discuss accessing this type of leave.

    Click here to read the Anglicare Tasmania Inc. Collective Agreement 2018.

  • Staff feedback

    Anglicare is focussed on excellent outcomes for customers and therefore is committed to an ongoing process of development and improvement across the organisation. As part of this commitment we consider staff feedback to be essential in helping us grow. There are a number of ways for staff to provide feedback as outlined below;

    • Individual feedback to your Supervisor or Manager
    • Bi-annual staff surveys that cover whole of organisation operational issues
    • Employee Consultative Committee (ECC). This committee meets regularly and is chaired by the Chief Operating Officer of Community Services. Members of the committee are selected from across the state with a focus on equity across the regions and types of services we provide (For example inclusion of shift workers and non office based staff). This committee seeks feedback from their regional teams and feeds this to the ECC for consideration and review. Conversely information from management is provided for dissemination to regional teams for input and feedback.
  • Staff Supervision

    Anglicare is committed to ensuring employees are provided with regular and quality supervision at the level they require to perform their role effectively.

    Anglicare supports the principle that all employees will have the opportunity to access supervision.  The type, level and frequency may vary according to the needs of the different areas of the organisation, professional background of the employee, the role they currently play, where they are based and how many hours they work.

    The frequency and type of supervision you receive will be reflective of your role and will be determined and agreed upon with the supervisor.  The organisations supervision agreement and supervision guidelines may be used as a resource in this process.

    There are two main types of supervision employees have access to:

    • Line or Operational Supervision – You will meet with your supervisor at least once a month and supervision will be underpinned by an agreement
    • Professional Practice Supervision – Anglicare has a Professional Practice Supervisors register that you can access


    Supervision provides a safe environment for employees to engage in dialogue addressing questions relating to working within organisational requirements for boundaries, conduct and safeguarding children to identify and discuss best practice.

    Staff who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait islander and are working with the Aboriginal community may request to have an aboriginal person as their specialist aboriginal supervisor to assist with Aboriginal specific supervision. In most cases this would be someone within the organisation, however, at times this may need to be and external Aboriginal supervisor.

    Where the employee is not able to receive supervision from their supervisor, a conversation will occur in relation to ensuring the employee is provided with access to supervision through other means, this could be internal or external, peer group or via electronic means such as video conferencing and telephone.

    External supervision may be funded by Anglicare from individual program budgets, upon approval by the appropriate stream manager.

    Supervision agreements will be regularly reviewed to check the relevance and effectiveness of such agreements.

    You can find detailed information at:

  • Staying Connected with Anglicare and teams

    There are a number of ways for people to connect at Anglicare.

    Email Connection

    • As an employee of Anglicare you will be provided with access to a work email account
    • Your supervisor will disccuss with you what documents you need to maintain current awareness of. With these you will receive notifications from Confluence to keep you up to date when it’s related to your work
    • Regular newsletters and updates
    • You can stay connected to your colleagues or ask questions of your supervisor and importantly lodge your leave and other forms
    • Anglicare Tas website
    • Access Confluence remotely
    • You can access your email remotely via Office 365

    Anglicare does not encourage employees to connect to email accounts out of office hours.


    Face to Face Contact

    As Anglicare is a large organisation that operates over a number of areas, we recognise the importance for staff to come together to ensure that our teams remain strong and connected.

    We have a range of meetings and forums designed to support this;

    • Disability and Aged Care Meetings
    • Community Services Staff Meetings

    Ask you coordinator about Team Meetings and Regional meetings that may benefit you to maintain connection to other employees.

  • Values in Action

    Anglicare has a strong commitment to demonstrating our values in our work. To support this we have instigated a staff awards program which focuses on and recognises employees who demonstrate our “Values in Action” along with a team achievement.


    Click here to download Anglicare’s Values in Action booklet.

  • Who or where do you go if you need to know something?

    Your first port of call for all matters related to the customers you are working with is your supervisor.

    Your supervisor will also be able to assist you in relation to other questions or direct you to who is best to talk to.

    Anglicare staff are committed to helping each other out and we encourage you to ask a colleague if you don’t know something. If they don’t know they can help you find out who to talk to or where to find something.

    If you have questions about your employment, professional development, training or your entitlements you will find information at:


    Information about Professional Support and Service Improvement (Community Services)


    Information about Quality and Risks


    Information about publications and communications

Finishing up your induction

Congratulations, you have almost completed the online component of your induction.

There are only two steps to go!

Step one: Complete the embedded Personnel Declaration message to confirm that you have completed Anglicare Tasmania’s online induction and agree to comply with the identified requirements as an employee of Anglicare.

Step two: Your Manager/Coordinator will have an induction checklist which still needs to be completed for your role and site induction if required. Please let your Manager/Coordinator know that you have completed the online induction.