Active Support

Module 5: Maximising Choice & Control

In this session we will cover:

  • What is Choice and Control?
  • How can we support a person to make a choice and take control?

This module will take around 30 minutes to complete. At the end, you will be required to complete a short, comprehensive quiz.

Maximising Choice & Control

Maximising Choice and Control means, as support workers, we provide opportunities for people to have choice and control over the many parts of their lives.

Take a moment to watch this video by La Trobe University and Greystanes Disability Services that explains how maximising Choice and Control works.

The principle of Choice & Control

Using the principle of Choice and Control means we will be supporting people to make as many choices as possible about how they spend their day.

  • It can be difficult to support choice especially where the disability affects understanding of choice. However, the more choices you give the more control and input the person has over their own life.
  • Experience and choice go hand in hand.
  • We need to respect choice.

Take a moment to watch the video and see what examples of Choice and Control you can spot.

Ways we can support someone

There are many ways to support a person to make choices and take control.

  • How can you offer choice and understand what a person’s wants to do?

    • Listen and watch carefully to see how a person reacts with their body or their face when you offer different options
    • Show pictures or objects
    • Use communication devices
    • Offer new experiences and watch how a person responds
    • Ask others who know the person well
    • Take time to check you have understood the person’s choice correctly
    • Step back and let the person take control of what they are doing.


  • Question...

  • Thinking about your work,

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Active Support Quiz #5

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