Active Support

Module 3: Little and Often

In this session we will cover:

  • What is Little and Often?
  • Applying the Little and Often approach

This module will take around 30 minutes to complete. At the end, you will be required to complete a short, comprehensive quiz.

Little and Often

Sometimes it is hard for people with disability to be engaged in an activity for a long time.

The Little and Often approach gives people the opportunity to stop, take a break and come back.

Take a moment to watch this video by La Trobe University and Greystanes Disability Services that explains the Little and Often approach.

The Little and Often approach

  • Recognises that everything happens in smaller parts
  • Breaks activities into these small parts so we support people to engage in part as matches their needs
  • Gives people the opportunity to try new things
  • Assists us to find out what a person likes or dislikes and assists them to express likes and dislikes
  • Gives the opportunity to change their mind and try again by trying another part of the activity
  • Gives the chance to build up experience and build up to success.

Take a moment to watch the video and see what examples of Little and Often you can find.

Applying the Little and Often principle

By applying the Little and Often approach, we can:

  • See the parts a person can do themselves, the parts we can help with and the parts that need doing for them
  • Remember to invite the person we support to take part
  • Respond to the person and their needs.

For the people we support, applying Little and Often means:

  • They are engaged in some part of an activity, which can provide a sense of self-worth and value
  • They can start small gradually building skills and confidence
  • They are provided with many opportunities to engage in their lives throughout the day.



  • Thinking about your work

  • Here is another video to explain Little and Often

Active Support Quiz #3


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