Acquired Injury Support Service Induction

Welcome to the Acquired Injury specific part of your induction.

In this section we will provide you with information about how Anglicare’s Acquired Injury Support Services work and operate.

We will cover:


What makes a good support worker?

At Anglicare we work within a Practice Framework, Professional Boundaries, and we support people using the principles of Person-centred Active Support.

This video ‘What makes a great support worker?” shares client views on what good support looks like.



  • Which of the comments, about what makes a good support worker, do you relate to?

  • Are there any other qualities or good practices you could add?

Anglicare's Acquired Injury Support Service

We provide a broad range of services in a number of different work settings across the state.

Our Acquired Injury Support Service provides support to clients after a motor vehicle accident.

‘Your life, your way, every day’, that’s our motto. Anglicare provide a wide range of supports to meet the needs of the person. This can be short term support or complex care and we concentrate on supporting rehabilitation.

As a support worker you will support people to maintain connections with family, friends, their work and community. MAIB services are provided in the community or in a residential facility.


I would like to extend a warm welcome to you as our newest team member! I am excited that you have joined our dedicated group of support workers. In your role, you will have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those who have an acquired injury.

Your patience and empathy will be key in providing person centered support and promoting independence. Together, we can make a difference to those that we support.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Welcome to Anglicare’s Acquired Injury Support Services.

Liz Leslie

Liz Leslie - General Manager, Acquired Injury Support Services

0439 224 779

Krystal Clements - Workforce Scheduling Planner

0427 819 297

Jodi Bentley - Service Manager, MAIB (South)

Jodi Bentley

0491 216 933

Kia Wilson - Service Manager, MAIB (North)

0490 407 189

Roxley Anderson - Service Manager, MAIB (North West)

0484 607 338

Celine Lee- Client Liaison Officer (South)

Pic of Celine

0472 827 440

Grace Cheung - Scheduling Coordinator

1800 017 718

Sheryl Stagoll - Scheduling Coordinator

1800 017 718

Navpreet Sekhon - Scheduling Coordinator

1800 017 718

Schedulers: Who are they and what do they do?

The Schedulers are the team who work with the rosters, find staff for shifts, make changes to rosters, staffing and shifts, and they answer your questions.
They are the first people to talk to about the way things work for you.

  • What schedulers do...

    • Schedulers will contact you on your work mobile only. Please return calls and messages even if it is to confirm you cannot work.
    • They may call you about shifts. Shift information and claiming a shift is also available through the Skedulo app.
    • Schedulers email rosters, support plans and contact information to your Anglicare email account.
    • They will talk to you about shift changes and when you are unwell. Please make these calls during office hours 9.00am – 5.00pm. If you feel unwell the day before a shift and think it may stop you coming to work let us know as soon as possible, we ask that you try to give us warning. It is very difficult for clients, who depend on support, when we change support at short notice.
  • What schedulers don't do...

    They do not talk to you about client support, client issues or incidents – that’s your managers role.

    There is a 24-hour service for client concerns managed by on call staff for enquiries outside of office hours. This is for emergency calls and client concerns, not shift changes or other concerns about work.

How it all works, First Steps

  • Orientation shifts

    Orientation shifts are shifts where you go with another support worker to meet clients and learn about their supports they are also referred to as “Buddy Shifts”.

    The number of shifts will vary and what you will learn depends on the setting.

  • Meet and Greets

    Meet and Greets are where you go to meet a new client. Clients need to meet you, get to know you before you become part of their team.

    There are some community clients that do not require a meet and greet and we may direct you to these people for some of your first shifts.

  • Getting shifts

    Shifts will be offered to you through Skedulo.

    Schedulers may also contact you on your work phone.

    It is important to respond to scheduling, even if it’s no, we are trying to fill shifts and provide the best cover of support for clients, so please respond.


Skedulo is your mobile workforce app. It is where you:

  • View your roster and job detail
  • Receive/claim a job offer
  • Check in for a shift, start a job and check out/end a job, as well as manage your job times
  • View client details and support plans
  • Write case notes
  • Record transport for client billing and claim km’s
  • Record sleepover disturbances
  • Submit your timesheet to get paid!

You can find out more about how to login and use Skedulo here.

Anglicare Acquired Injury Services App

Mobile phones are a work tool. We have a few things you need to know about how to use them.

This app gives you access to:

  • Confluence (Anglicare’s intranet)
  • Incident reporting forms
  • Scheduling
  • Business support
  • Human Resources.

You can find out more about how to setup and use the Anglicare Acquired Injury Services App here.

Thank you

Thank you for taking part in the Anglicare Disability Service Induction. We hope this training has been informative.

Welcome to the Anglicare team!